Saturday, April 30, 2016


Jesus Christ! I've fucking needed this for awhile. It's nice to have a human sucking me off instead of some Vietnamese jungle tick and does she know how to please an American.

“You so big, G.I,” she said, around my extension,

Shit! I'm going to blow before I even get a chance to feel this whore's tight little cunt. Been awhile since I could have a seventeen year old, considering, back in the states, it's illegal and frowned upon. But, fuck! She sucked like she was twenty-five.
It wasn't long until she climbed on top of me and gently rubbed herself onto the head of my tool.

“You want me, G.I?” she asked,
“Fuck yes! Let me fuck you!”
“Ask nice,” she smirked
“Please?” I said.

She leaned in and kissed me on the neck and bit my lip. She held my lip in her mouth as she situated herself over me and began to slide down.
Immediately, something didn't feel right and as soon as she lifted up I felt a tare on my cock. I screamed and she bit down even harder on my lip and ripped herself away and spit the flesh out somewhere in the darkness of the cabin.
Blood flowed everywhere. All over her and the bed and she proceeded to ride me like a wild horse.
I felt my penis begin to rip away from my pelvic bone and my throat becoming raw from the screaming I had been doing.

“Fucking American!” she continuously screamed

She finally lifted off of me and let the blood and contents pour out of her and onto the bamboo flooring. She could hardly stand but she still managed to laugh while I continued to scream. I felt my head beginning to spin not long after. I'm going to bleed out!
I couldn't feel the burning in my crotch anymore. I attempted to call her a fucking bitch, but only managed to stutter.

“F-F-” I tried
“Die American!”

She pulled from underneath the bed a small device, a detonator fuck! She smiled at me one last time, flicked up the casing and pressed the button underneath.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Writer's Block

It had been a long day at work, retail had consumed my life for the past three years, and I got home late. My fiance had long since gone to bed, so I figured I could knock some writing out before I went to bed. I went into the office and quietly closed the door and sat at my desk with overwhelming amounts of enthusiasm. I got about ten sentences into my book when a bad case of writer's block set in like rigor mortise. I sat there staring at the blinking cursor on my screen, trying to force my imagination to get up and drag itself to my fingertips, but it wasn't. So, I figured I would go check on my rat, she recently just gave birth and lost her leg so she was continuously squeaking, so I figured I would go check on her and play with her to pass the time. I played with her for a whole five minutes until she bit me hard on my finger, breaking skin, so I put her back in the cage and went to grab a band-aid, a cup of water, and check on my fiance who was still sound asleep.

I sat back down at my computer and started typing again. About twenty minutes into a nice steady session, I could hear my rat squeaking like crazy again, then eventually grew silent until the sound of dead gnawing bone started sounding out. My first idea was that my rat had been chewing on her missing leg, trying to get rid of the bone her own way, then I turned around and saw that she had-- died. She must have had an infection, I thought. Still, the bone cracking sound echoed from somewhere outside of my office. I stood up and opened the door and I saw, standing in the darkness at the kitchen sink, the shape of my fiance.

“The rat died, Katie,” I said plainly,
“I'll be in there in just a minute.” she replied, cold,

I went back into the office, sat at the chair and rolled it to our rat's cage and looked in. Her head had been twisted completely around and all seven of her babies had become pale and shriveled.

“What the fuck?” I muttered.

I was interrupted by the cracking of bones again and when I turned my head back at the doorway, a woman stood there towering over me and staring with her one and only, pale eye. The other seemed to have been gouged out and leaked blood profusely.
She was pale and clammy and twitched impossibly and rapidly. She was nude but was covered in what looked like bile that had dripped from her grinning, green mouth.
I stared at her a moment, until she lurched forward and wrapped a twitching hand around my throat, pulled me closer to her grinning face that wreaked of rot, and squeezed.

Next I heard was a crack, then I heard a collection of noises that sounded like sobbing and laughing at the same time. The thud as my vision hit the floor came shortly after.

My eyes went black momentarily and when I opened them again, I was just re-entering my apartment.

It had been a long day at work......

The Phone Call

It started when I was on the toilet, attempting to take a shit, in case you couldn't guess, and it was late or early for some. My phone read one-thirty-two in the morning and I was bone tired. I needed to use the bathroom immensely, I mean, it woke me up out of my sleep-- the toilet must have been calling to me or something.
Anyway, I turn on my phone screen and click the Google search bar and got curious about the next big PlayStation release and attempt to type out the words on my phone. I clicked the letter L and attempted to click the I, when my phone started spazzing out and typing out a whole bunch of crazy shit.
I didn't think much of the glitch, at first, I just assumed it was a virus that latched itself onto my phone from all the porn I had been watching. Not much else.
I restarted the phone and as the screen flashed on, my lock screen background had changed to a picture of me sitting on the toilet a few seconds ago. Once again, just thought it was a virus. I returned to the Google search bar and attempt to search again, the same glitch happened except this time the phone backed out of Google and turned the screen off.

“Are you fucking kidding?” I mumbled to myself.

I turned the screen back on and found that the lock screen had been changed again. The screen this time, however, had been changed into a picture of me or-- at least what I thought was me-- laying on a bed, bound by a lot of duct tape and covered in multiple stab wounds and blood. My eyes had been sunken and looked as if I was drunk.

“Holy fucking shit,” I said, my heart beginning to pound,

Suddenly, I got a phone call from some glitched out number. I hesitated, this was some straight up Creepy Pasta shit, dude, but I answered anyway.

“H—H—Hello?” I whispered into the receiver,

All that greeted me was a piercing shriek that curdled my blood. Not only had my left ear began to ring, the phone-- shocked me. Pulling it away from my face, I saw on the screen the look of a girl whose mouth was hung open wide and her empty eyes seemingly beginning to cry while the rest of her face remained still. I froze there on the spot. Fuck me! I couldn't put down the phone or anything!

“Why did he do this to me!? WHY!?” she cried,

She screamed again and I threw the phone at the bathroom door. As the screen landed face down on the tile, the light bulbs above the sink mirror burst.
As I sat there in the darkness, the girl's sobs seemed to come from right beside me then suddenly stop.

All that came after that was the large BLOOP as my shit hit the toilet bowl.